Author: admin

The Importance of Literature Review in PhD Research: Tips and Tricks for Success

The Importance of Literature Review in PhD Research: Tips and Tricks for Success Introduction A literature review is a critical and essential component of any PhD research project. It provides a thorough examination of the existing body of knowledge related to your research topic, allowing you to identify the gaps, establish context, and build a…
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Scopus vs. ISI: A Comprehensive Comparison

Scopus vs. ISI: A Comprehensive Comparison   Introduction: Academic publishing plays a critical role in the dissemination of research, and the quality of the journals in which research is published is a vital factor for researchers. It helps them to evaluate the quality of research published by their peers and also to demonstrate their research…
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Mastering Reference Management: How EndNote can save you time and elevate your research

As a researcher or student, have you ever found yourself struggling to keep track of your references and citations? Do you often spend hours searching for that one article you know you saved somewhere? If so, you’re not alone. The truth is, managing references can be a daunting task. That’s where reference management software comes…
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APA Citation Style: All You Should Know

APA Citation Style: All You Should Know When it comes to sourcing your materials for a research paper you need to know how to do it properly. This includes being able to create citations, which are used in the paper you’ve written, and a bibliography, which contains a more complete record at the end of…
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How to Find Impact Factor and Ranking for a Journal

What’s the ranking of journal X? This is a question that rises for most research students. They often hear that the requirement for their graduation is publishing a paper in Q1 journals. This article shows you how to find the impact factor and ranking of a journal. Specifically, we are talking about Web of Science…
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ISI vs. Scopus: What are They?

You may have seen or heard ISI or Scopus. They are databases that contain a list of journals. Based on some evaluation criteria, the journals get indexed (listed) in these databases. Depending on your domain of study, either one could be more important than the other. For instance, in science, Scopus finds fewer citations. In…
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What Is Digital Object Identifier (DOI)?

What Is Digital Object Identifier (DOI)? Hi everyone. This topic is simple but essential. We are going to talk about DOI. It is short for Digital object identifier. It is used to identify resources uniquely. It is used for research reports, articles, and datasets. When your article is accepted in a journal or a reputable…
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